Monday, August 17, 2020

 Critical Thinking in Weka Tēina

The question was posed to the class after Mrs King issued the challenge 'How high can you bounce an egg?"

Question - Can we bounce an egg?

Recorded class responses

* No it would crack

* Yes, we could wrap it in paper to protect it first

They then said that Mrs King gave them more information

* We were not allowed to cook or fry the egg

We may need to try different liquids Mrs King said

* Don't use cooking oil as that would cook the egg.

Ryker thought we could use vinegar and baking soda as he has done an experiment like that before.

Can we set up an experiment based on the information we now know? 

They decided no - we didn't know enough information.

How could we find out more?

It was suggested we could Google - How to bounce an egg?

We watched 2 different videos

Using what we know and after watching the videos we made a decision as to whether an egg could bounce. We decided it could.

Completed the experiment and gathered our data and results.

Final step to watch the videos again and compare our findings. If we were making a video for others what would we need to add or change?

1 comment:

  1. Science is a great context to engage students in critical thinking. Did you find the students were more engaged and thinking deeply after the experiment or before?
